Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Annnnnd we're back.

Fair warning, I have no idea what to write about today. I just really feel the need to update. I also feel the need to explain myself with my lack of updates this semester. Life can really get in the way of things. An extremely close friend of mine died suddenly near the beginning of the semester, which knocked me out of pretty much everything for a few months. Then because of my inability to notice what was going on with my body, a kidney stone struck which required surgery. As a result, I had to work my butt off to make up the coursework I had missed. It made it really difficult to do much of anything outside of school.

As far as progress, I haven't "lost any weight". I know, I know. You're thinking about how I was supposed to be exercising so much that it was going to be easy to lose weight. While I haven't lost mass, I have slimmed down a few inches. For example, by stomach used to hang over my belt. Now it more... looms. Sounds sinister, right? It's smaller, but it easily serves as a reminder that I can gain weight if I fall off the wagon.

So how's this wagon going to keep on rolling? I present to you: The Plan. Three simple steps that will make my summer a game-changer.

  • Eat less crap: I generally eat until I'm no longer hungry. But sometimes I'm really really hungry and devour a meal that is much too big for me. Eating more often will prevent me from getting so extremely hungry that my eyes are larger than my stomach. Eating smaller meals will also help shrink my stomach back to a reasonable size. If your stomach is smaller, you'll be full more quickly and eat less.
    • This rule also includes me eating more "real food" instead of fast food or other heavily processed crud.  I'm going to try to avoid anything in a box or that is otherwise "unfresh".
  • Run/walk: I really want to do the Tough Mudder again this year. I really want to do the Tough Mudder with a much better time this year. So I'm going to train the way I need to. I plan on walking or running six days a week. My running will be similar to the couch to 5k programs, but less controlled. I'm going to run curves, then walk the straight parts of the track near my house. Then work my way up to running a half track and walking a quarter. And so on.
  • Lift a little: I plan on doing the running training 3 days a week (walking the other three). While on my "walk days" I plan on doing a little bit of weight lifting at home. Nothing too crazy, just trying to increase my strength and keep the blood flowing.

The Plan looks to be pretty effective in helping me obtain my goals, which will be covered in my next post.