Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What Do You Want?

I don't think I ask this very often, but I should change that.

What do you want to see from the Emergency Medical Fatnicians?

I'm working on a few things, like getting guest posters and starting new trials and challenges.  But it's hard to do it all by myself.  Do you have any topics that you would like to see me write about?  Are there any supplements, diets, or exercises you would like my opinion on or would like to see me try?

I'm all ears and I want to know what you think!  Feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email.


No Sweets? No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge - Day 10

With a lot of people like me who are trying to lose weight, one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome is giving up sweets. For the next thirty days I want you to take this challenge with me.  Eat nothing sweet!  Let's cut out all the indulgences we take for granted, and prove to our bodies, our minds, and everyone else that we don't need sugar to survive!  I'll be posting periodically about my progress.  I want you to leave comments about your progress as well.  Let us inspire one another!  

Day 10
The holiday weekend was tough.  I have to admit that I did give in twice over the weekend.  The first time, I was offered a delicious dessert at my family's cookout that I could not resist.  The second time, I was with my in-laws at a campground and we had ran out of bottled water.  I had no choice but to drink a diet soda.  Other than the late night Taco Bell run on Saturday (first time at that place in over six months, and it will probably be another six before I go back) I had a decent weekend!

I am currently working on cutting back my artificial sweetener in my coffee.  When I started out, I was using 3-4 packs of Splenda in a cup.  I'm now down to 2 packets (I think that's what normal people use) and I'm hoping to be using none at all in another 10 days.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Take a Hike!

These are some pictures from a hike that I took with a couple of friends in Berea, Ky.  The place we hiked at is called the Pinnacles.  The trail all-together is a little over seven miles in length, but we didn't have a full day to hike with, so we chose to go to the East Pinnacle and the Indian Fort Lookout.  This hike was about four miles in length and it took us about two and a half hours to hike it.

These are the two friends I went with.  Harrison is the bald one in the maroon shirt and BJ is the tall one in the black shirt.  This was one of the views looking out from East Pinnacle.

These are some more of the beautiful views from East Pinnacle.  

Who's that ugly mutt?

These are some of the gorgeous views from Indian Fort Lookout.

Harrison stopped to have his picture taken.

BJ did as well.

Further down the trail, BJ found a cave under where we were walking.  He found out that he could jump over the side of a nearby ledge to one below it to get to the cave.  I had no interest in going over that ledge.

Hiking is great for so many reasons.  It gets you outside, it can be challenging, you get to test yourself, and it's free.  There's no reason not to go find a place to hike in your local area today!  If you're lost before you even find a trail, trying going to EveryTrail.com and signing up for an account.  Every Trail has a lot of trails mapped out by local users, so you can find a good guide to local hiking spots.  You may even find one or two that you didn't even know existed!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Andy - Week of 5/22/11 Stats - Biggest Loser Week 1

Week Starting Weight: 346.7 lbs
Week Ending Weight:  356.0 lbs
Lost Since Last Week:    0.0 lbs

Sunday:   None
Monday: 100 Wall Pushups, 100 Full Squats, 50 Elevated Jack-Knife Presses, 20 Two-Leg Pullups, 3 minutes of Knee Planks, 5 minutes of Steps Cardio.
Tuesday:  15 minutes Walking
Wednesday: None

I have no comments to make about the start of this contest.

Goals for Next Week
I obviously need to lose the weight that I seemed to have gained back in the last four days.  I don't know if I should attribute it to using a different scale or taking it easy because of my injury.

Hard work is ahead.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Explanation For A Change In Plans

The hospital that I work for is making big changes.  They are really trying their best to increase the health of all the employees and get the collective BMI of the staff down.

A few days ago, the nutritionist that works at my hospital asked if I would be interested in participating in a contest they were about to start.  Can you guess which one it is?

Although, I am normally against a competition that's main goal is to win money through sending people home who want to be healthy, this competition isn't as fierce as the show.  There is money involved though.  I'm going to put $20 into a growing cash pot.  If I win the contest, I get the money!

For the next ten weeks, you're going to notice a change in the day of the week that I post my stats.  Normally I weigh in on Sundays and post the results on Tuesdays, but now I'll be weighing in on Thursdays and be posting the results on Saturdays.  I'll start this new week off by comparing my first weigh-in results to the results from this passed Sunday.

Wish me luck!

No Sweets? No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge - Day 5

With a lot of people like me who are trying to lose weight, one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome is giving up sweets. For the next thirty days I want you to take this challenge with me.  Eat nothing sweet!  Let's cut out all the indulgences we take for granted, and prove to our bodies, our minds, and everyone else that we don't need sugar to survive!  I'll be posting periodically about my progress.  I want you to leave comments about your progress as well.  Let us inspire one another!  

Day 5
This day wasn't all that great for me.  I brought some chicken salad with me to work that had pineapple in it, and I only intended to eat a couple of bites and then share the rest with my coworkers.  

Things didn't go according to plan, and I might have ate more of the chicken salad than I originally intended to.  I also might have ate a piece of sweet bread.  It was so good.

Tomorrow is a new day!  I will try my best to make it through this challenge.  I do foresee a small roadblock coming up though, as I intend to meet with my friend Harrison for some tasty Primal cooking.  He's already told me that he's found an alternative to ice cream involving frozen bananas.  I can't lie and say that I'm not intrigued!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Journey to Stop Smoking

October 11th, 2010, at 2:00 P.M.

That was the last time that I smoked a cigarette.  It was a Marlboro Menthol Light.  It tasted wonderful.

It's surprising what you can remember.  I remember more about my last cigarette than I do the last Christmas.  I remember that I got my son an art easel for Christmas; or was it a tent?

Last September, the hospital I work for put up a flier for class at the local health department.  It was called the Cooper-Clayton Stop Smoking Class.  The hospital was gearing up for a change in the smoking policy (as in they were getting ready to stop it on campus, all-together), and they were offering to pay for this class for any of the employees who were willing to take it.  My wife had finally discovered after being together for four years that I had been a smoker for three of those years.  My options were quit or be alone.

I don't like being alone.  So I signed up.

The first class began on October the 4th on a Monday.  I went in expecting them to tell me that I had smoked my last cigarette on the way there, and I would be expected to respond with outrage mixed with disappointment.  However, I was informed that my assignment for the week would be to smoke like I normally do and log it.  I walked out of that first class not knowing what to expect.  Of course, the next week was a wake-up call for me as I looked back at the log and noticed how much I really was smoking. 

My instructor told me that I would be able to smoke even after the first week if I really felt the need to, but that we should try to abstain from it.  I wanted to go above and beyond in this class, not because I wanted to impress anyone, but because I wanted to live longer and prove that I had the will-power to do something this intense.  I don't remember where I wrote down that last entry for the cigarette, but I'll never forget that date.

The next twelve weeks got easier and easier as they passed by.  The Cooper-Clayton method to stop smoking involved weekly lectures and support topics, coupled with the person using either Nicotine patches, lozenges, or gum on a step-down process.  By the end of the twelve weeks, I wasn't even using the patch anymore.  I didn't feel the need for it and I felt great.  I didn't get winded walking up stairs anymore, my tri-annual strep throat didn't come back, and my wife told me that I was more cheerful than she had ever seen me.

This class has been the first thing that has actually got me to stop smoking and "make it stick."  I had tried quitting cold turkey and using Chantix in the past, both of which lasted a few months but I always wanted to smoke very badly up until the point that I gave in.

This time, I don't want to smoke.  It holds no power over me anymore, and I believe that it can be this way for everybody, as long as they have the will-power to want to stop.

If you're interested in the Cooper-Clayton Method to Stop Smoking, please click the link below:


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Andy - Week of 5/15/11 Stats

Week Starting Weight: 352.7 lbs
Week Ending Weight:  346.7 lbs
Lost Since Last Week:    6.0 lbs

Sunday:   4:30 minutes Treadmill Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 30 on Double-bell Squats, 140 lbs x 20 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 20 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 3 sets Plank, 130 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 10 minutes of Cardio Boxing
Monday: None
Tuesday:  5 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 40 on Double-bell Squats, 140 lbs x 10 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 10 reps on Row Machine, 150 lbs x 10 reps on Lat Bar, 150 lbs x 10 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 4 sets Plank, 130 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 20 minutes of Treadmill Cardio
Wednesday: 30 minutes of Walking
Thursday: 4 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 40 on Double-bell Squats, 150 lbs x 20 reps on Lat Bar, 150 lbs x 20 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 4 sets Plank, 140 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 16:26 minutes of Treadmill Cardio
Friday: None
Saturday: 3 minutes Treadmill Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 40 on Double-bell Squats, 150 lbs x 25 reps on Row Machine (HAD TO LEAVE FOR WORK)
3 minutes Treadmill Warm-up, 150 lbs x 25 reps on Lat Bar,  45 seconds x 3 sets Plank, 140 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 12 minutes of Cardio Boxing, 30 minutes of Treadmill Cardio

What an amazing week!

I think the results from this week can be attributed to many things.  First being that I ate better than I have in a while.  The second that the creatine is really starting to pump up my workouts.  The third being the No Sweets?  No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge.  If you aren't doing it yet; as my friend Justin would say, "Get like me."  

I'm honestly not worried about having two days of doing nothing.  When I work at the hospital, I stay on my feet, so I'm getting all sorts of low level cardio in just by being there.

I injured myself this week.  I was doing some cardio kick-boxing and misplaced my feet while going for a kick at the punching bag.  Needless to say, I elbow dropped the floor in a fashion that would have made Randy Savage proud.  I'm carrying the scars today for it in the form of a scraped elbow and a stubbed big toe.  The elbow is starting to grow skin back and the big toe is black and blue, but it's going to heal up fine.

Goals for Next Week
Everything I did this week:  I'm going to repeat it.

The No Sweets thing is really working for me.  So much of the sweet stuff that I was eating had so many carbs in it.  If I can keep away from carbs for a little while longer, I'll be able to continue dropping the pounds.

I think I've finally gotten into a working rhythm this past week with my gym routine.  The only thing I want to work on is getting in more low-level cardio through the week so that I don't have to do it all at once during the last workout of the week.  The only thing I'll be modifying this week (and until further notice) is some of my exercise techniques.  My big toe is really tender, so I probably won't be doing any treadmill or jogging type activities nor planks as well.  I'll modify the planks and do them from the knees, and I'll use the elliptical more for my cardio.

I am excited to be going on a hiking trip this week.  My friend, Harrison is going to be leading me on a somewhat local trail that looks to be really fun.  We've been planning this trip for a few weeks and finally found a day that worked for the both of us.  After this, we're going to try and schedule for a trip to Natural Bridge State Park to do some hiking there!

Monday, May 23, 2011

No Sweets? No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge - Day 2

With a lot of people like me who are trying to lose weight, one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome is giving up sweets. For the next thirty days I want you to take this challenge with me.  Eat nothing sweet!  Let's cut out all the indulgences we take for granted, and prove to our bodies, our minds, and everyone else that we don't need sugar to survive!  I'll be posting periodically about my progress.  I want you to leave comments about your progress as well.  Let us inspire one another!  

Day 2
All I can say for today is that this might be harder than I thought.  The feeling of wanting to have something sweet is almost overwhelming at times.  This might be worse than when I quit smoking!

Check it Out! Does it work?

I was browsing through the health and fitness section at Yahoo, when I found this little gem.  It's by Heather Hawkins, CPT, FNC-NESTA, and it's called "Does This (Workout, Diet, Supplement) Work?"  It's going to be a series, and at the time of this writing it's in two parts.   This series is definitely worth checking out for some light but very informational reading!

Read the first part of the series here.

Special Midnight Post! PASSED THE 50 POUND MARK!

Official Weight for May 22nd, 2011:

346.7 lbs!!!!!!!!!

Official Total Weight Lost:

54 lbs!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Special Post Coming Up @ Midnight

Stay tuned.

No Sweets? No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge - Day 1

With a lot of people like me who are trying to lose weight, one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome is giving up sweets. For the next thirty days I want you to take this challenge with me.  Eat nothing sweet!  Let's cut out all the indulgences we take for granted, and prove to our bodies, our minds, and everyone else that we don't need sugar to survive!  I'll be posting periodically about my progress.  I want you to leave comments about your progress as well.  Let us inspire one another!  

Day 1
Today went by fairly well.  I found out very quickly that this wasn't exactly going to be a walk in the park.  Then again, a walk in the park can be hard depending on where there park is and how big it is...

I digress.  The only times I had problems today was when I was doing some work on a computer at home and I was waiting for a process to be over.  I got bored while waiting and before I knew it I was standing in the kitchen looking through the pantry.  "How did I get here?" I asked myself.  Stopping to think about the fact that I was bored, not hungry, and didn't need a sweet food to help me fixed it really quick.  I returned to my chair and opened up a book while waiting on the process to end.

The only obstacles I see coming from this experience are going to be:  Getting snacks from the kitchen,  getting snacks from the gas station, and getting snacks at work.  Note to self to avoid.  This feels like when I quit smoking.  


Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Sweets? No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge

With a lot of people like me who are trying to lose weight, one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome is giving up sweets.  This is anything from candy and pastries to fruits and yogurts.  All of these foods may taste great, but they are full of sugars that turn into glucose.  If that glucose doesn't get used as fuel, it gets stored as fat.  We want to be burning fat right now, so creating more of it is no ideal for our goals.

For the next thirty days I want you to take this challenge with me.  Eat nothing sweet!  Our bodies will still get the glucose they need from the other foods we eat.  Let's cut out all the indulgences we take for granted, and prove to our bodies, our minds, and everyone else that we don't need sugar to survive!

I'll be posting every few days about my progress.  I want you to leave comments about your progress as well.  Let us inspire one another!  

With any challenge that we take, ground rules must always be set up.  I am making them personal to me, and I encourage you to make personal ones for yourself, but feel free to use mine as a guideline.
  1. For the next thirty days, I will do my best not to eat any sweet foods.  These foods include candies, pastries, fruits, gums, chocolates, and food additives like sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla.
  2. The only thing sweet that I will imbibe over the next thirty days without remorse will be the protein shakes I make for myself after my workouts.
  3. I will gradually use less sweetener in my coffee every time that I drink it.  I need to be drinking it black by the half-way point in the challenge.
  4. If I make a mistake during this challenge, I will not beat myself up for it.  I will simply strive to do better the next day.
I hope you all enjoy this with me.  I look forward to getting off this crutch that my subconscious has made for me.  I want to no longer depend on sweets as a quick-filling, bored-eating, feel-like-I-need-it food!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Hospital Article Preview

The following article is a preview of something that will be displayed in my local hospital's monthly newsletter.  One of the administrators asked me to write something talking about how I had done what I had.  They want me to inspire some of my coworkers to take control of their health as well.  I was honored, of course!  It has been altered a bit, for names and places, and it may be altered a little more, as it appears to be quite lengthy.  But here it is, for your consideration:
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  

                The best gift that I have ever received was the wake-up call I got the day before my birthday this past year.  On October the 14th of 2010, I stepped on to the scale in the ER, and weighed myself for the first time in 6 months.  You know it’s time when your scrubs start to feel tight.  I was astonished at the number staring back at me.

400.7 pounds

                It was the biggest that I have ever been in my entire life.  I didn’t know what to do to help myself and I started to question whether medication and surgery might be the answer.  However, the solution came to me through an advertisement for a local gym coming to town.

                When the gym opened up, I started out by going twice a week.  I would go in, get on the treadmill and walk for as long as my legs could stand it, which was usually only 10-15 minutes in the first few weeks.  From the beginning of October to the end of December, I lost 15 pounds.  It came off slower than I wanted it to, but it was still progress.  I knew that if I really wanted to make progress, I would have to make changes in my diet as well.   

                Counting calories just wasn’t enough for me anymore.  I started searching the internet for nutritional pyramids and special diets designed for weight-loss.  Through an acquaintance online, I found Paleo dieting and a book called The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson.

                The Paleo diet is a rather simple concept.  It is based on the diet of our ancestors from the “hunter-gatherer” periods.  These people ate vegetables and fruits, along with whatever meat they could outrun, outsmart, and kill.  They didn’t consume a lot of dairy, if any at all, and grains were far from being a staple in their daily diet.  You also didn’t find any added sugars or salts in their foods.  This concept was taken to a level of preparing and cooking these foods any way that is desired, just without any “modern” additions such as seasoning salt, deep fryers, or vegetable oils.

                In Mark Sisson’s book, The Primal Blueprint, he takes the concept of Paleo dieting to a whole new level.  Mark taught me to not only eat like a caveman, but to exercise like one too.  He suggests that we model our fitness lifestyle after hunter-gatherers who wouldn’t have spent time “exercising”.  Most of their time would have been devoted to walking constantly, crawling through forests, climbing up trees, and small bursts of speed to capture their prey or run from a predator.  Translate this into doing 3-5 hours of low level activity like walking a week, with two or three strength training exercises, and a sprint session once a week.

                This coupled with a class put on by Christopher Poe really helped to take my exercise to the next level.  His advice was simply to do compound exercises (working more than one muscle) instead of isolation exercises (working just one muscle).  This meant a routine of push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and planks.  In the gym, it translated to bench presses, lateral bar pulls, squats with weights, and planks.

                Since going to Christopher’s class, starting the Paleo diet, and exercising like a caveman in January, I’ve shed an additional 35 pounds.  In total, I have lost 50 pounds in six months!

                Since October, I’ve modified my exercise routine down to doing most of my cardio outside of the gym and at random times during the day and week.  I don’t worry about it unless I don’t get in at least 3 hours of cardio a week.  When I go to the gym I spend no more than 45 minutes to an hour there each time, and I do those compound exercises that Christopher taught me, and throw in a set of overhead bench presses. 

                The only other thing I can suggest to help with exercise is to keep track of it.  I like to write everything I do down in a notebook.  At the end of each week, I look over everything I’ve done and it helps me to see where I can use improvement and sometimes where I need to back off.  In January, I decided that this wasn’t enough; I wanted to have accountability for my actions.  I started a blog called the Emergency Medical Fatnicians (emergencymedicalfatnicians.blogspot.com) that I use to track all of my progress, as well as what I’m trying and things I’m doing to improve my health.  It’s huge to me for keeping me accountable, especially if I know somebody is always watching and wondering. 

                I think the most important thing anyone can do is anythingWhether it’s going to Weight Watchers or joining a Zumba class, find a way to keep yourself motivated and get healthy at the same time.You’ll find out that, when you’re exercising, you’re not wasting time on the thing you’re doing, if you’re doing the thing you love.


                 October 15th, 2010 – 400.7 lbs                       April 11th, 2011 – 355.3 lbs

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Check it Out! FitDay.com

As many times as I've plugged Marksdailyapple.com, I'm sure you've stopped in and taken a look around.  The more and more you go to the site, you'll see that he likes to plug some of his favorite sites that he goes to.  One of his favorites that he suggests to everyone is FitDay.com.

Fit Day is diet and exercise tracking, simplified online.  They only offer to keep a log of the foods you eat, the exercise you get, and the weight you loose.  They don't make a lot of suggestions and they don't judge.  If you were a fan of Sparkpeople.com, but you didn't like all of the "interactive" features that they had like the social media side and the constant tips, then Fit Day is for you.

Recently, I had to use Fit Day to get my diet back on track.  For the past few weeks, I hadn't been losing any weight.  I couldn't figure out what the problem was since I was having phenomenal results in the gym.  A friend of mine suggested logging into my Fit Day account and logging a few days worth of food.  I logged four days worth of eating, and I discovered that I was over my personal limit for carbohydrate intake.  I was getting anywhere from 25-50 more grams of carbs than I needed to lose weight.  It was the answer to why I was maintaining my weight instead of shedding it.

Did I mention that these people aren't pushy?  I've had an account for a few months now, and I don't remember getting an email from them other than the confirmation email when I signed up.  This site is one of those, "We're here if you need us" kind of places.  It's right up my alley for checking in, researching what I want to know, and getting out.  They put everything I need to know right into a nice and neat little chart and let me go on my way.  It's not overloaded with graphics either.

If you're like me, and you don't really want a lot of outside influence from an impersonal site for weight-loss, then FitDay.com is for you.  Give them a try today!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Andy - Week of 5/8/11 Stats

Week Starting Weight: 355.3 lbs
Week Ending Weight:  352.7 lbs
Lost Since Last Week:    2.6 lbs

Sunday:  25 minutes of Elliptical Cardio
Monday: None
Tuesday:  5 minutes Treadmill Warm-up, 100 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 90 lbs x 30 on Double-bell Squats, 140 lbs x 15 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 15 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 1 set Plank, 60 seconds x 1 set Bench Planks, 120 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 7 minutes Treadmill Cardio, 8 minutes of Cardio Boxing
Wednesday: 1 hour of Yard Work, 20 minutes x 5 laps chasing son around the yard of the house
Thursday: 3 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 105 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 90 lbs x 40 on Double-bell Squats, 140 lbs x 20 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 20 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 3 sets Planks, 130 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 20 minutes Treadmill Cardio, 5 minutes of Cardio Boxing
Friday: None
Saturday: None

Right on track with my body's odd ways; I've lost more weight this week and I've done less work.  And for those of you who might be thinking it, this is not a message for doing nothing to get great results.  That's called being a couch potato, and I've had 15+ years experience at that.

I did start using creatine this past week.  As you can see, Thursday's workout was vastly superior to the one before it.  I like the gains that I am making with this stuff so far, but I don't want to bulk up too much.  I'm looking into the concept of cycling on and off of the supplement to get the results I want.

I guess I subconsciously decided to have a cheat day this week in a weird way.  There was at least one meal each day from Friday and Saturday that wasn't completely Primal, and I didn't keep track of my carb intake those two days either.  I'm back on track this week.

Goals for Next Week
Even though I had an off week this past week, I plan to get back on track to get the results I want.  I want to feel better than I do when I'm being lazy.  It's going to be all hard work from here.

I'm going to be jumping back on the Paleo/Primal train in a big way this week.  If it isn't meat and veggies this week, it's going to have a hard time getting into my body.  I'm also going to be using Fitday to track my carb intake.  I'm going to try and use the service for the next month until I feel like I'm permanently on the right track.

My gym routine was lacking a little bit this week.  I only had two major strength training days instead of three.  Usually if I only get in two it's because I had a crazy week and filled it with lots of cardio.  This was not the case for this past week.  I'm going to spend the upcoming week looking for that fine balance.  Uphill climbs are always the hardest.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Snack of the Week - Yogurt

I'm posting some of my favorite healthy snacks that I eat.  I want to keep these snacks always fresh in your mind, so I'm going to post a new one every week.  Some of them will be foods that you have all the time, but never knew how beneficial they were.  Some of them will be foods you thought were gross, but maybe deserve a second chance.  Some of them may be foods you've never even heard of!  Whatever the case may be, if you're out at your local grocery, remember to pick up a little of one of these foods and chew on them for thought!

About Yogurt
Yoghurt, yogurt or yogourt (Turkish: yoğurt) is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make yoghurt are known as "yoghurt cultures". Fermentation of lactose by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yoghurt its texture and its characteristic tang.

Believe me that you really don't want to know much more than that if you have a weak stomach.  This food is delicious and nutritious.  Don't let the process of how it's made ruin your appetite for it!
(Source: Wikipedia.org)

Ways to Enjoy Yogurt
This is by-far one of my most favorite snacks.  It's cold, it's sweet, and it's tart all at the same time.  Yogurt comes in so many forms too.  You can get it in it's regular glory, low-fat, low-sugar, sugar free, Greek style, plain, with fruit, with candy, flavored, and frozen!  I personally like to just open up a container of low-fat vanilla flavored yogurt and dig in.

Yogurt is one of those foods that has to be kept in moderation though.  Most of them are high in carbohydrates, so they can easily be turned into fat.  However, they shouldn't be eliminated from your diet completely as the probiotics in them are great for your digestive tract!

Yogurt Nutrition
This time, I had to be specific about which yogurt I wanted nutrition data for.  I chose Low Fat Vanilla, as it is one of the most common kinds.