Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back Into the Swing

I'm finally starting to get back into a regular workout schedule.  I've not missed a session in the last couple of weeks; at least going once every three days.

My weight is still maintaining right at the same numbers I left off at.  I weighed in three days ago, and I was at 352.9 lbs.  However, I'm still not ready to start posting the weekly stats again.  I don't expect to have those going again until some time in September.

I've got a really busy month ahead of me.  Madix will be starting preschool on August the 22nd.  My final day at the hospital will be August the 27th.  I'll be working in two, three, and four day spurts up until that time.  You might see pictures of me from the old gym, and you might see some from the new one too.  Although, it occurs to me that I've not been back there since I got my membership, and they're probably wondering where I went off to.  Also, during all of this time, I am still trying to find part-time work at my new home while getting ready to start school in December, as well as finalizing everything from Amber's loss.

As for an update on my supplements, I am taking the following:

GNC Triple Strength Fish Oil (900mg x 2 daily)
GNC Mega Men's Sport Multivitamin (x 2 daily)
Cetirizine (for allergies, once daily)
GNC Ultra Probiotic Complex 25 (once daily)
USPlabs OxyELITE Pro (x2 capsules in the AM, x1 in the evening)

I am also using BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder once a day for meal replacements.  For pre-workout, I am using VPX N.O. Shotgun v.3, which is a combination of creatine, protein, L-Arginine, Citrulline, BCAA's, and caffeine.  For my post-workout, I am using GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Wheybolic Extreme 60 Protein Powder.  I added the probiotics for my digestion, which could always use some help, along with also boosting my immune system.  I know that I gave the OxyELITE Pro's a bad review a while back, but I also found out that they are extremely effective when taken correctly.  I am still not an advocate for people using "diet pills" as their only source of weight-loss, but I am using this myself because I need something to jump-start my body back into it's old ways.  After I use all of these capsules, I won't be likely to buy any more.

I'll be sure to check in again soon!

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