Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bumps in the Road

So it's been a few weeks since I last updated.

I'll be honest, I've not been following my diet and exercise routine like I should be at all.  I try to err on the side of paleo when I eat, but I've seen just as much junk food as I have healthy food.  Exercise was going really well for the first couple of weeks, then it dropped off the map.

A couple of weeks ago, I was offered a management position with a side job that I decided to take on as my full-time employment.  I'm enjoying the work, the lesser amount of hours working, and the higher amounts of money being paid, however it has been a little stressful.  It's a job in a video game store, so as most can imagine, the hours have been a little hectic.  Midnight game launches and Black Friday sales have taken their tolls on my circadian rhythms and health in general.  Thankfully, overnight hours should be done for a few months and I will be able to readjust to a normal sleep schedule.

Also, within the last two months, my son has ran into some health problems.  He went from being a completely healthy child to being diagnosed with two major things that might possibly affect him for the rest of his life.  Last month, we found out that he has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and I'm still working with his pediatrician to get the proper medication for him to treat it.  Just a couple of weeks ago, we also found out that he has a fairly-rare childhood disease called Legg-Calve-Perthes.  We have an appointment with an orthopedist next month to work on treatment for that.

Anywhere in between I have seen things all the way from car trouble, limited finances, and any other number of problems that have limited me from setting aside time for my personal health.  Did I mention I'm still in school?

I don't want our followers to be discouraged though.  We all hit bumps in the road.  I just took an unnecessary detour for a few months thinking I would be fine and then hit all of the road bumps when I started making my way back.

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