If I'm not losing a ton of weight next semester.
I was all angry earlier today. You see, I've got so much schooling under my belt, that I don't really need to take extra classes on my way to be a paramedic. I've already shown I understand math, writing, and have those communication skills necessary to heal people. So when the professors of the required (and completely full) courses told me I couldn't be in their class I was aggravated. I don't want to waste my time with stupid English 101, Math 110, or retake basic Biology. Also, the way funding works, it would have been cheaper to be a full-time student than take only those three required courses. But taking really hard classes would wreck havoc on my GPA, and taking classes that were too easy would look lame on my transcript.
So I fixed it.
I knew I wanted to do some exercise for a class. One of my biggest motivators is to get a good grade, and my biggest weight losses have come about because of classes. Story time: My bachelor's program required students to know how to swim, and I happened to not be in class the day they tested people. So there I was, a pretty decent swimmer, learning how to blow bubbles in the shallow end of the pool. Coach said in order to pass the class you need to be able to swim for 15 minutes, and then tread water for 15 more. If we wanted an A, all we needed to do was swim for an hour, then come back the next day and tread water for an hour more. I ended up losing 30lbs that summer.
I registered for Weight Training, since Steven and Andy both suggested it helps out for weight loss. Then I thought, "Hey, I do want to make a career out of fixing childhood obesity! I should do something with that" So then I got my registration for Basics of Nutrition on. I'm still a credit short of full-time. Poop. Ohhhh... you know what's worth one credit? A Phys-ed course. But taking a class that isn't during my Tues/Thurs schedule isn't going to be good for my work schedule. And I'm already doing weight lifting, I'll need to do cardio. Suddenly, the Way was shown unto me: "Walking for Weight Loss" right after Weight Training.
So I'm gonna have a class where I learn how to save people's lives, then a lunch break, learn how to save my own life, then a dinner break, and finish my day switch hitting between saving my life and those of others.
Screw you crappy scheduling, I win,
P.S. By losing!
P.P.S Losing weight that is. 'Cause that makes me a winner.
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