Tuesday, August 21, 2012


*Stuff Of Interest But I Can't Write A Bunch About (Pronounced "Soy-bick-waba")

-I walked 3.3 miles yesterday between classes. It helps that the building my main classes are in and the building my other class is in are separated by the entire campus. Also, I was really bored waiting for the next class which resulted in an aimless meandering. My legs are sore and I'm proud I effectively used my time.

-Since I consider myself a Taoist, and think they have some interesting (and some useful) medical theories, I'm very interested in starting to learn Tai Chi. I'm only doing preliminary research on the subject, and will keep you updated. The slow and deliberate movements are supposed to be very good for weight loss and flexibility.

-I'm down a pants size (sorta)! The store was out of swim trunks, so I decided to just get a pair of basketball shorts and improvise. I've always been at least an XL, in pretty much anything you were trying to size. Well imagine my surprise when I grabbed the regular purple hanger and noticed it was a little too large for me! That's right, good old Hark graduated down to a yellow L! I'm pretty excited to see some measurable change in my body!

-A good buddy of mine and fellow Tough Mudder Trainer, Steven, demonstrated how to cook an extremely healthy meal yesterday. I've always known how to cook this, but it never dawned on me how healthy it really was! Cook up some brown rice (it's healthier than white and twice as delicious!). Sprinkle some oil in a frying pan (I like olive) and toss some bite-size chicken chunks in there once it gets hot. Add a dash of sauce (he used terryaki and sriracha) and cook it until almost done. Toss in some broccoli and a little bit more sauce, then cover. Let all that flavorful food nuggets steam up together for about 5-10 minutes. When the broccoli gets to your liking, take it out. Scoop it onto a serving of rice and put it in your mouth! Super cheap, super healthy, super fast!

-Now a question, which you can answer in these comments or facebook comments: What sort of stuff do you guys want to see us discuss? More on supplements? Workouts? Healthy fooding?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sign Up! The Ancestral Weight Loss Registry

Any of you who have been reading the blog for a while or have read up on some of our older posts know that I'm a fanatic for Paleo-style dieting.  It started back in January of 2011 and it was love at first site.  I would actually say that it is responsible for the majority of any of the weight that I've lost.  It's what has caused my local bakery to lose me as a loyal customer.  And I know that when I fall off the beaten path, that Paleo-dieting will be right there, ready to pick me up with a friendly -but firm- "I told you so." 

A couple of days ago, I was doing my nightly read-through of my favorite blogs when I found one from Mark Sisson on his website.  It briefly touched on the fact that paleo dieters aren't taken seriously, are treated as "fad" dieters, and still draw a lot of concern from most health professionals.  

There is a group out there that is taking the initiative into their own hands to prove the success, seriousness, and basic truths behind this style of living and eating.  The Ancestral Weight Loss Registry has a goal to "...combine(s) a running list of clinical research combined with a registry that people can join on a volunteer basis. Collecting such data will hopefully illuminate the safety and efficacy of consuming such a food plan. Data speaks for itself."

So, if you're like me, and you've had success in any form from eating a diet that is low-carb, paleo, primal, or anywhere close to them, here's what you should do to show our politicians and physicians that the diet and we ourselves should be taken seriously:

  1. Go to the sign-up page, enter your details, and answer the questions honestly.
  2. Make sure you read the privacy policy.
  3. Spread the word!
Bonus points will be awarded for submitting before and after photos, if you have them, and liking their Facebook page!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

How to lay about without being a layabout.

And.... he's back! Sorry for the delay in posting folks, I've been pretty busy with some minor surgery on my chest. Luckily, I've had experience with avoiding these muscle groups before, so I didn't just sit on my bum all day and wish I was exercising. 

I sat on my bum all day and exercised.

I ended up finding a pedal machine, which is like a more portable stationary bike, for ridiculously cheap. These things are foldable, and pretty low-cost. I can't recommend them enough for people with small apartments or a lack of storage space.

I've already got pretty strong legs, so this wasn't much of a workout. But it's a good way to burn more calories when you're on the couch playing videogames or watching a movie. 

Another good way to burn those calories while you're being a lazy bum is a fitness ball.

Yep, one of those. I know some of you manly men are saying, "I don't want none of that namby-pamby yoga crap!" To which I say, "Fine then. Don't buy a cheap way to lose weight and is actually kind of fun. Also, quit being a jerk and nay-saying everything." Studies are starting to show just sitting on these guys isn't much different from sitting in a chair. But there's a huge difference when you do small repeated movements on one of these instead of lounging on the couch. I usually swing my hips in a small circle or bounce slightly while on the ball. You might actually find your core a little sore the next day if you've been really working at it.

Now I'm starting to wonder if I can combine the two into one exercise. If I don't make it back, tell Andy I love him.