Friday, August 3, 2012

Sign Up! The Ancestral Weight Loss Registry

Any of you who have been reading the blog for a while or have read up on some of our older posts know that I'm a fanatic for Paleo-style dieting.  It started back in January of 2011 and it was love at first site.  I would actually say that it is responsible for the majority of any of the weight that I've lost.  It's what has caused my local bakery to lose me as a loyal customer.  And I know that when I fall off the beaten path, that Paleo-dieting will be right there, ready to pick me up with a friendly -but firm- "I told you so." 

A couple of days ago, I was doing my nightly read-through of my favorite blogs when I found one from Mark Sisson on his website.  It briefly touched on the fact that paleo dieters aren't taken seriously, are treated as "fad" dieters, and still draw a lot of concern from most health professionals.  

There is a group out there that is taking the initiative into their own hands to prove the success, seriousness, and basic truths behind this style of living and eating.  The Ancestral Weight Loss Registry has a goal to "...combine(s) a running list of clinical research combined with a registry that people can join on a volunteer basis. Collecting such data will hopefully illuminate the safety and efficacy of consuming such a food plan. Data speaks for itself."

So, if you're like me, and you've had success in any form from eating a diet that is low-carb, paleo, primal, or anywhere close to them, here's what you should do to show our politicians and physicians that the diet and we ourselves should be taken seriously:

  1. Go to the sign-up page, enter your details, and answer the questions honestly.
  2. Make sure you read the privacy policy.
  3. Spread the word!
Bonus points will be awarded for submitting before and after photos, if you have them, and liking their Facebook page!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for spreading the word! Congrats on your amazing success.
