Friday, January 21, 2011

So Far This Week (1-21-11)

So far this week I have not tried all that hard to diet, yet I have seen a few improvements. My diet consists of calorie control and portioning. I try to limit my calories through portioning. Portions these days are way over the average intake of what they should be. Eat to survive, not to please the taste. I also try to avoid fast foods. I stick with things that are baked, broiled, boiled, or grilled. On average I try to eat 4-6 times a day. I don't really eat full "meals." I tend to favor microwave dinners as 2 or 3 of the meals and use fruits and raw veggies as "in-betweens." I also like the Quaker rice cakes as in-betweens (no, not the caramel coated rice cakes). I try to stay with the apple and white cheddar rice cakes. I also prefer the one large rice cake to the hand full of minis. I tend to eat around 900-1200 calories a day, and for someone my size it may not be recommended but this seems to work for me. I eat 900 on the days I do not work out and 1200 on the days I do. I also try to eat a cup of cottage cheese at the end of the day (as my last meal or snack) because it is a good source of casein protein. The casein protein helps keep your metabolism up throughout the night so you will continue to burn calories at a higher rate. I believe that you shouldn't completely cut yoruself off from everything you want, just limit your intake of it. I also suppliment with Fish Oil, Flaxseed Oil, and Centrum Silver. This is also to ensure my metabolism is where it should be. Everything I use can be found in a local drug store or GNC. Once a week I will have what I call a "free meal." This can be anything from a burger to a couple slices of pizza. I just try not to over-do it. If I do manage to get carried away, I don't stress over it, I just get right back on my diet with the next meal. I'll update my profile soon with all of the vitamin and supplements I am taking. Based on personal experience I also recommend Oxyelite Pro, Hydroxycut Hardcore, and Arson from MAP (Muscle Asylum Project). What works for me may not always work for everybody though.

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