Monday, January 17, 2011

Trying something new.

Josh and I originally started back in November with a "Biggest Loser" contest between the two of us.  The terms were that whoever lost the most percentage in BMI, would be the winner... or loser.  The loser (or is it the winner?  Whoever didn't lose as much.) would have to watch the other's kid, and buy them dinner and a movie for them to enjoy with their wife.

Of course, we were idiots for trying to start a contest like this between the two biggest food holidays in the US.  But we've learned our lesson now.


We're still idiots, sometimes.

Now we've decided that with the new year, we will get back on track.  Instead of a contest, we are just going to track what we do.  Not everything has to be about competition.  Something we did realize is that a major part of successful weight-loss includes a strong support system.  We will be using this blog, not only to display our results from what we try, but also for a system of checks and balances on the other's progress.

(And for the record, I would have been the biggest loser.)

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