Monday, January 14, 2013

Are You Asking For a Challenge?!

Have you noticed the cruddy job market? I have. With a Master's in Public Health but no real experience outside of the classroom and my internship, it's even more difficult. Companies expect me to want to get paid for my education, which while nice is not what I expect. I realize that I have limited experience and only require an entry-level position and room to grow.

Now you're stopping me, "Hark, what's the deal? We're on a blog about being fat and how we don't want to be that anymore!"

To that I say: My career goals involve telling people to not be fat. If I can't practice what I preach, what does that say about myself and my ability to understand healthy lifestyles?

Also, another interesting career prospect, The United States Public Health Corps has a height/weight requirement. I imagine for similar reasons as outlined above. At my height, a person needs to weigh about 180 pounds. Considering I'm 246 (about I haven't weighed myself in a while, but I seem slimmer than when I weighed myself last), this can easily be achieved by the end of the year because of math.

52 weeks in a year X 1.5lbs a week = 78lbs lost

Considering my new classes of Weight Training, Walking for Weight Loss, and Fundamentals of Nutrition, I might even be able to get it done even more quickly. I've never put down a set goal for my weight, and I feel that this may help me achieve said goal more easily. I've never really held myself accountable for my health. Here's a set goal and timeline, and I'll give myself some sort of reward at the end. Every time I lose a pound, two dollars will go into a savings account. Barring financial crisis, this will be untouched until I hit my target.

So here's a challenge to my fellow Fatnicians: Determine a target weight for the next some amount of time. It can be six months, a year, or even at the end of your current diet. Put it down, make yourself accountable, plan a reward.


  1. I love this! I'll be weighing myself soon and setting a goal!

  2. I'll be weighing and goal setting this week.

  3. I'm in the last 3wks of a weight-loss challenge. The challenge was to lose 10kgs (22.04 lbs) in 3 months, or else I'll have to treat some people to a really expensive meal (prob $500). My goal is 12kgs (2kgs as buffer), and I only have 16 days to lose the outstanding 5.2kgs. I have lost 6.8kgs so far. Progress is behind schedule due to cheat meals, missed exercises, and about 4wks' worth of being sick. However it is very motivating to be able to fit into 60% of my wardrobe now, up from about 20% previously. Also, the challenge forces me to refocus when I get distracted, tired, bored, or lazy.

    So, what you mention about setting specific goals, timeline, and reward does work. Perhaps you should consider what pain / punishment too, if your goal is not met.
