Monday, June 6, 2011

Andy - Week of 5/26/11 Stats - Biggest Loser Week 2

Week Starting Weight: 356.0 lbs
Week Ending Weight:  352.2 lbs
Lost Since Last Week:    3.8 lbs

Thursday: 3 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 150 lbs x 20 Lateral Pulls, 150 lbs x 20 Rows, 110 lbs x 25 Bench Presses, 100 lbs x 50 Double Bell Squats, 140 lbs x 25 Shoulder Presses, 2 hours 30 minutes of Hiking
Friday: None
Saturday: 3 hours of Swimming
Sunday: 4 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 140 lbs x 25 Shoulder Presses, 45 seconds x 4 sets of Knee Planks, 150 lbs x 20 Lateral Pulls, 150 lbs x 20 Rows, 100 lbs x 50 Double Bell Squats, 110 lbs x 25 Bench Presses, 20 minutes of Elliptical Cardio
Monday: 1 Hour of Yard-work
Tuesday: None
Wednesday: 5 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 140 lbs x 25 Shoulder Presses, 30 seconds x 4 sets of Planks, 150 lbs x 20 Lateral Pulls, 150 lbs x 20 Rows, 100 lbs x 50 Double Bell Squats, 110 lbs x 25 Bench Presses

I'm glad to see nearly four of those pounds come back off.  The workouts over the past few days along with the cardio thrown in have felt good.  I'm finally starting to be able to do regular cardio again after doing whatever I did to my toes.  I've been able to run and do planks at the gym again, so that should help with regaining the ground I lost.

My diet has been slipping recently due to a few factors.  The first being the Memorial Day weekend that we had.  It was hard to eat completely paleo while I was at so many cookouts, but I managed pretty well.  The other problem has been access to paleo food at the grocery stores.  The local places seem to be slipping in the amount and variety of fresh foods that they carry, and what they have been putting out has been expiring a lot quicker than it used to.  It's bad mojo for my salads.

Goals for Next Week
My biggest goal for my exercise is keeping on a steady routine.  I've been working a lot, and my wife works opposite of me.  When I'm not at work, she is and that leaves me no way to get to the gym (especially with a three year-old).  Where I'm picking up the extra hours at work lately, I've been feeling quite a bit of fatigue when I get home.  Often times, if I have a day off I find myself just laying on the couch trying to recover.  The only solutions to this problem are either (1) grinning and bearing it, or (2) getting more coworkers that can pick up hours and share the load.  Only one of those is in my control.

My big goal for my diet is to get back on the paleo/primal bandwagon in a big way.  I'm going to be venturing out to see if I can find new sources of food from different locations.  I think if I can change up the variety of what I'm eating, get more fresh food, and find new and awesome ways to cook that food, I'll be alright.

Hard work is ahead.

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