Saturday, June 18, 2011

When Illness and Exercise Collide

For the past week, I have had one terrible head cold.  It's mostly been brought on by something that I am not even aware of starting to bloom in some location near or far that has little pollen spores that travel straight to me and cause my sinuses to go on the fritz.  (See: Kentuckians have some of the worst allergies and that's why it sucks to live in this state sometimes)

I've been coughing, sniffling, hacking, wheezing, and dragging (my butt).  I realize how much worse this could be if I weren't taking a daily regiment of Zyrtec, and I am glad for it.  This also makes me happy because it doesn't stop me from getting into the gym.

"But Andy, why would you want to work out when you're sick?  Will that not just make it worse?  Don't you feel awful when you go to the gym?"

I had to ask myself the same questions.  Luckily, I had some good friends that guided me to the "rule of the neck," and this article which mentions this rule and goes into some detail about working out while ill.

In general, if you're like me and you just have a minor head cold, it's probably safe to work out.  In fact, I go to the gym just to clear my chest congestion and sinuses out.  The intensity of the workout and the increase in body heat help to drain out a lot of the pressure.  I actually walk out of the gym feeling like I was never sick in the first place.  The good feelings usually last about an hour before they return, but most of you that have ever had a cold know that even an hour is heavenly when you're congested.

My personal rule has always been that if it's all in my head, it's probably still safe to play.  However, no illness is the same, so each case much be judged individually.  If you just don't feel up to the task, don't beat yourself up about taking a few days off to recover.  You'll get back in there with energy that you didn't know you had when your illness is finally passed.

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