Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Andy - Week of 3/20/11 Stats

Week Starting Weight: 364.0 lbs
Week Ending Weight:  357.4 lbs
Lost Since Last Week:    6.6 lbs

Sunday: None
Monday: 1 mile x 6:32 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 90 lbs x 30 reps on Lat bar, 75 lbs x 30 reps on Bench Press, 30 lbs (each hand) x 30 reps Squats, 2 sets x 45 second + 1 set x 30 second incline planks
Tuesday: 1 mile x 6:35 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 90 lbs x 30 reps on Lat bar, 75 lbs x 30 reps on Bench Press, 30 lbs (each hand) x 30 reps Squats, 3 sets x 45 second incline planks
Wednesday: None
Thursday: None
Friday: 1 mile x 5:32 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 90 lbs x 30 reps on Lat bar, 75 lbs x 30 reps on Bench Press, 30 lbs (each hand) x 30 reps Squats, 3 sets x 45 second incline planks 
Saturday: None

What an awesome week!  I finally broke my "plateau" that I've been stuck on for what seemed like a month.  Six pounds loss in one week after so many weeks of floating around the same weight is awesome.  My clothes are starting to fit a little looser.  This was a great week for Primal eating.  I don't recall binging one time, although I might have snuck a bite of something bad here or there.  My urges to eat unhealthy foods are really starting to subside, which helps things out a great deal.

I think I'm finally where I want to be for gym exercises.  I'm getting in there three times a week to "lift heavy things." 

Goals for Next Week
I want to start cooking at least two to three new recipes a week from the Primal Blueprint cookbook I just bought.  The recipes are healthy and look pretty tasty too.

For my Primal diet, I want to focus on moving away from a lot of my dairy crutches, and some of my seasoning crutches.  I still use sugar (or Splenda) and salt a little more than I should be.  I also want to throw in more vegetables into my diet than what I'm doing right now.  I think a lot of this is going to include finding new ways to consume the vegetables I have.

This is going to be the big focus of the week.  I want to work on "moving frequently at a slow pace," especially on the days that I'm not at the gym.  It would be optimal for me to get in 30 minutes to an hour of walking, hiking, low-intensity cardio, light dancing a day.  The goal total is 2+ hours a week.  I think I can outdo this.

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