Sunday, March 27, 2011

Christopher Poe - Did you Know? Food As Investments

This is another excerpt from Christopher Poe of Christopher Fitness Pro, LLC.  Christopher is a certified ISSA Fitness Professional with a background including martial arts and firefighting.  

DID YOU KNOW? The next time you think eating healthy is expensive...remember this. Food IS NOT a purchase, but an investment that yields specific returns. (Just like decisions you make with your financial portfolio.) Question is, what kind of RETURNS are you getting from your INVESTMENT decisions? Now, "marinate" on that!

Many people worry about getting the most for their dollar when they go to the grocery store.  That's why you see so many pushing carts full of cereal, chips, pastas, and "instant" products.  They have a mindset that the closer to the top of the cart the food is, the better off they will be.  However, most of the foods they're packing their buggies with are processed, carbohydrate-rich, calorie-packed, non-nutritious foods.

People need to learn that it's much better than they think to eat healthy.  Most people don't realize that after you eat healthy for a while, your body starts to be satisfied when it's gained maximum nutrition, instead of just being full.  You'll be surprised that after just a few weeks, you'll be satisfied after eating a handful of almonds, instead of that whole bag of potato chips.

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