Friday, March 25, 2011

Mega-T Green Tea Supplement Trial

What it is

MEGA-T is a dietary supplement formulated to help you achieve your weight loss goals. MEGA-T will help stimulate your metabolism and help burn fat††. Mega-T with Acai contains 90 mg EGCG and 50 mg of caffeine.


Directions on the bottle

 Take one (1) MEGA-T caplet twice a day, with a meal and a full glass of water.
For best weight loss results, follow a proper weight loss diet plan and exercise plan.
We also advise that you consult with your doctor or nutritionist before starting any diet and exercise plan.

Controls Used While on the Trial
During this trial, I kept up most of my daily routines.  Regardless of other factors, such as daily diet and exercise, I took my normal supplements which include a GNC Mega Men Sport Multivitamin and 2,000 mg of Flaxseed Oil daily.  On some days that I exercised, I also took two capsules (recommended dose) of Everlast Energy.  Those days will be noted in the log.

Pre-Trial Thoughts
I have seen the Green Tea supplements in the stores before but never gave them much thought.  I always figured them to be crackpot fads for people just aiming to lose that 5-10lbs of water weight to fit into that special clothing item they've had their eye on (see: prom and wedding dresses).  I knew that green tea had antioxidants as well as caffeine in it, but I also knew that the caffeine levels were almost minimal compared to things like a cup of coffee, a soda, or other drinks of that nature.

The Trial
Day 1: One capsule, taken 30 minutes after lunch.  The first day is only a half day of being of the supplement.  I didn't feel as hungry, and I would have to say it was because of the supplement, because I forgot I had taken it.  I also felt a little more energetic than normal. 

Day 2: Two capsules, first taken with breakfast, second taken with dinner.  I was surprised once again today.  My hunger was less than normal, my energy was higher, and my mood seemed better.  Of course, this is possible due to the fact that I'm going on vacation tomorrow.  I took an Everlast Energy capsule today at the gym, and I could definitely notice the two supplements working together to give me a boost.  It was one of my best workouts yet!

Day 3: One capsule, taken 30 minutes before going to the gym.  As a trial, I decided to see how this would work when being used as a exercise supplement.  This means that the effects of the caffeine (only 50mg) in the supplement would be felt during one of the most intense parts of my day.  I was surprised to see that the green tea capsule worked just as well as my Everlast Energy supplement for my gym routine.

Day 4: Two capsules, first taken with breakfast, second taken with dinner.  This was a moderately slow day.  I notice that after taking the supplement, I usually get a small energy boost within 30-45 minutes.  It was enough to get me off the couch and clean!

Day 5: Two capsules, first taken with breakfast, second taken in the afternoon.  This was another slow day.  It seems that after taking the tablet, I feel a little more alert.  This is more than just a caffeine boost.

Day 6: Two capsules, first taken at lunch, second taken with dinner.  Double stacking the supplement so close to each other had an interesting effect.  My alertness did not change, but my energy was certainly higher.  This also helped when going to the gym!

Day 7: Two capsules, first taken with breakfast, second taken with dinner.  This was a great day.  The tablet seemed to give me the awakening boost that I needed in the morning, and paired really well with the Everlast Energy supplement I took at the gym that evening.  Lot's of energy.

Day 8: Two capsules, first taken with breakfast, second taken in the evening.  This is the last day of being on the supplement.  Energy levels were just a good as ever.

Day 9: No capsules taken.  Other than my normal vitamins and supplements that I take, this was an average day.  I certainly could tell that I was lacking a Mega-T supplement in my routine, as everything just seemed a little more sluggish than normal.  I did receive a boost from the Everlast Energy in the evening, but it wasn't as strong as when it was paired with the green tea.

Post-Trial Thoughts
I would definitely have to say that the Mega-T Green Tea supplement works.  It at least accomplished two out of the three things it suggests on the front of the box.  It did help to burn calories, it did help boost my energy.  I'm not going to say that it did or did not help curb my appetite, because I noticed no changes in how I eat.  However, since starting a Paleo dieting style of eating I have had less of an appetite anyway.  I would have to say this part of the test will remain inconclusive for me.

The bottom line for Mega-T Green Tea is that it is effective.  I have to say that I'm most impressed with it because this is something that you can pick up in most supermarkets and not have to pay a lot of money for.  Don't be surprised if I don't include this in my daily routine sometime in the future!

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