Monday, April 4, 2011

Snack of the Week - Canned Tuna

I'm posting some of my favorite healthy snacks that I eat.  I want to keep these snacks always fresh in your mind, so I'm going to post a new one every week.  Some of them will be foods that you have all the time, but never knew how beneficial they were.  Some of them will be foods you thought were gross, but maybe deserve a second chance.  Some of them may be foods you've never even heard of!  Whatever the case may be, if you're out at your local grocery, remember to pick up a little of one of these foods and chew on them for thought!

About Canned Tuna
Canned tuna was first produced in 1903, quickly becoming popular. Tuna is canned in edible oils, in brine, or spring water. In the United States, 52% of canned tuna is used for sandwiches; 22% for salads; and 15% for casseroles and helpers.
In the United States, only Albacore can legally be sold in canned form as "white meat tuna"; in other countries, yellowfin is also acceptable. While in the early 1980s canned tuna in Australia was most likely Southern bluefin, as of 2003 it was usually yellowfin, skipjack, or tongol (labelled "northern bluefin").

Ways to Enjoy Canned Tuna
Believe it or not, the way that I enjoy canned tuna the most is straight out of the can. It may sound gross to some, but it's really delicious.  Canned tuna is already packed with some salt, so there's really not much need for adding too much to it for flavor.  However if you do want to add a little something to your canned tuna, you can always go with the standard of a little mayo and some pickles or mustard.

Canned tuna also works great as a salad topper.  You can also try just adding it to some of your favorite mixed vegetables to enjoy it that way, but you may want to heat it up first.

Canned Tuna Nutrition


  1. Good idea Andy. I prefer the pouch tuna so I don't have to carry a can opener around. I like to add it to a little rice to make a 300 calorie meal/snack.

    BTW I think I found your doppleganger on youtube.

  2. Can't blame you there! I usually just go with the can because it's cheaper. I wish they still made the pull-tabs that used to be on all the cans!

    The video was awesome, by the way! It's got me in the mood to go camping. Are you going to be going back to the symposium this summer?

  3. I plan on going again. I had a great time last year.
