Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Andy - Week of 5/15/11 Stats

Week Starting Weight: 352.7 lbs
Week Ending Weight:  346.7 lbs
Lost Since Last Week:    6.0 lbs

Sunday:   4:30 minutes Treadmill Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 30 on Double-bell Squats, 140 lbs x 20 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 20 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 3 sets Plank, 130 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 10 minutes of Cardio Boxing
Monday: None
Tuesday:  5 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 40 on Double-bell Squats, 140 lbs x 10 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 10 reps on Row Machine, 150 lbs x 10 reps on Lat Bar, 150 lbs x 10 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 4 sets Plank, 130 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 20 minutes of Treadmill Cardio
Wednesday: 30 minutes of Walking
Thursday: 4 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 40 on Double-bell Squats, 150 lbs x 20 reps on Lat Bar, 150 lbs x 20 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 4 sets Plank, 140 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 16:26 minutes of Treadmill Cardio
Friday: None
Saturday: 3 minutes Treadmill Warm-up, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 100 lbs x 40 on Double-bell Squats, 150 lbs x 25 reps on Row Machine (HAD TO LEAVE FOR WORK)
3 minutes Treadmill Warm-up, 150 lbs x 25 reps on Lat Bar,  45 seconds x 3 sets Plank, 140 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 12 minutes of Cardio Boxing, 30 minutes of Treadmill Cardio

What an amazing week!

I think the results from this week can be attributed to many things.  First being that I ate better than I have in a while.  The second that the creatine is really starting to pump up my workouts.  The third being the No Sweets?  No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge.  If you aren't doing it yet; as my friend Justin would say, "Get like me."  

I'm honestly not worried about having two days of doing nothing.  When I work at the hospital, I stay on my feet, so I'm getting all sorts of low level cardio in just by being there.

I injured myself this week.  I was doing some cardio kick-boxing and misplaced my feet while going for a kick at the punching bag.  Needless to say, I elbow dropped the floor in a fashion that would have made Randy Savage proud.  I'm carrying the scars today for it in the form of a scraped elbow and a stubbed big toe.  The elbow is starting to grow skin back and the big toe is black and blue, but it's going to heal up fine.

Goals for Next Week
Everything I did this week:  I'm going to repeat it.

The No Sweets thing is really working for me.  So much of the sweet stuff that I was eating had so many carbs in it.  If I can keep away from carbs for a little while longer, I'll be able to continue dropping the pounds.

I think I've finally gotten into a working rhythm this past week with my gym routine.  The only thing I want to work on is getting in more low-level cardio through the week so that I don't have to do it all at once during the last workout of the week.  The only thing I'll be modifying this week (and until further notice) is some of my exercise techniques.  My big toe is really tender, so I probably won't be doing any treadmill or jogging type activities nor planks as well.  I'll modify the planks and do them from the knees, and I'll use the elliptical more for my cardio.

I am excited to be going on a hiking trip this week.  My friend, Harrison is going to be leading me on a somewhat local trail that looks to be really fun.  We've been planning this trip for a few weeks and finally found a day that worked for the both of us.  After this, we're going to try and schedule for a trip to Natural Bridge State Park to do some hiking there!

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