Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Andy - Week of 5/1/11 Stats

Week Starting Weight: 353.3 lbs
Week Ending Weight:  355.3 lbs
Lost Since Last Week:  0.0 lbs

Sunday:  2 hours Walking; 3 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 130 lbs x 25 reps on Lat Bar, 100 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 50 lbs x 25 on Single-bell Squats, 30 seconds x 3 sets Planks, 110 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 8 minutes Treadmill Sprint Intervals
Monday: 20 minutes Walking
Tuesday:  3 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 100 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 50 lbs x 10 on Single-bell Squats, 90 lbs x 20 Smith Machine Low Waist Squats, 90 lbs x 20 Smith Machine High Bar Squats, 130 lbs x 10 reps on Lat Bar, 130 lbs x 15 reps on Row Machine, 150 lbs x 5 reps on Row Machine, 30 seconds x 2 sets Planks, 120 lbs x 10 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 110 lbs x 10 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 10 minutes Treadmill Sprint Intervals
Wednesday: 1 hour of House Cleaning
Thursday: 3 minutes Treadmill Jog Warm-up, 140 lbs x 15 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 15 reps on Row Machine, 100 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 50 lbs x 25 on Single-bell Squats, 30 seconds x 2 Planks, 120 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 16 minutes Treadmill (1 mile)
Friday: 30 minutes House Cleaning
Saturday: 3 minutes Elliptical Warm-up, 140 lbs x 15 reps on Lat Bar, 140 lbs x 15 reps on Row Machine, 100 lbs x 25 reps on Bench Press, 70 lbs x 30 on Double-bell Squats, 30 seconds x 2 Planks, 120 lbs x 25 reps on Overhead Bench Machine, 35 lbs x 10 reps Overhead "Donuts", 8 minutes Treadmill

This week's weight loss (or lack of) really has me confused.  My exercise was definitely right on track, and I was almost positive that my diet was as well.  I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong that is keeping me from losing weight.

The only thing that I can figure out is that I'm either retaining water (but I don't know why I would be) or that I'm building new muscle at a faster rate, and it's causing my weight to be sedentary.  

I know that our bodies fight to keep in homeostasis, meaning that they don't like change, and if my body thinks that being fat for me is normal, that this is it's way of keeping me that way.

On a side note, my cardio for the week has me impressed with myself.  I logged over 4 & 1/2 hours of cardio this week!  That's amazing to me, when this time a year ago I might have logged no hours at all.

I didn't get to meet with the personal trainer this week, and I don't think I'm going to.  The guy that I planned to meet with is a very nice and very smart person when it comes to diet and exercise, but his goals and my own don't seem to mesh too well, and I'm also a stickler about keeping an appointment and returning phone calls and text messages.  I wish him well, and I hope that his other clients don't have this problem.

Goals for Next Week
I'll quote myself from last week: "Weight, like age, is just a number.  It's how you feel that is most important."  I'm still feeling good, but I want to feel great.  I'm going to beat this thing that is my weight.  I've been losing the battle for the last 18 years (I used to be a skinny kid) and it's time that the tables were turned.

I'm in the process of using my account over at FitDay.com to track my food intake.  I'm most worried about my total calories and carbohydrate intake.  I'll track three to five days worth of food to see what's consistent, what's bad, and what's awesome.  I'll post the results.

I'm honestly happy with my gym routine.  I make small changes here and there to keep it interesting.  On Saturday, I got to exercise with Josh (remember him?) for a while and he showed me some new exercises to try!  They were fun and I'll be sure to add them into my routine from time to time.  I'm going to cut back on my sprint intervals and up the amount of regular low level cardio that I do.  This should work well to keep my energy up, and my appetite down.  Too much high intensity cardio only gives one the munchies and starts burning glucose instead of fat.

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