Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Sweets? No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge

With a lot of people like me who are trying to lose weight, one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome is giving up sweets.  This is anything from candy and pastries to fruits and yogurts.  All of these foods may taste great, but they are full of sugars that turn into glucose.  If that glucose doesn't get used as fuel, it gets stored as fat.  We want to be burning fat right now, so creating more of it is no ideal for our goals.

For the next thirty days I want you to take this challenge with me.  Eat nothing sweet!  Our bodies will still get the glucose they need from the other foods we eat.  Let's cut out all the indulgences we take for granted, and prove to our bodies, our minds, and everyone else that we don't need sugar to survive!

I'll be posting every few days about my progress.  I want you to leave comments about your progress as well.  Let us inspire one another!  

With any challenge that we take, ground rules must always be set up.  I am making them personal to me, and I encourage you to make personal ones for yourself, but feel free to use mine as a guideline.
  1. For the next thirty days, I will do my best not to eat any sweet foods.  These foods include candies, pastries, fruits, gums, chocolates, and food additives like sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla.
  2. The only thing sweet that I will imbibe over the next thirty days without remorse will be the protein shakes I make for myself after my workouts.
  3. I will gradually use less sweetener in my coffee every time that I drink it.  I need to be drinking it black by the half-way point in the challenge.
  4. If I make a mistake during this challenge, I will not beat myself up for it.  I will simply strive to do better the next day.
I hope you all enjoy this with me.  I look forward to getting off this crutch that my subconscious has made for me.  I want to no longer depend on sweets as a quick-filling, bored-eating, feel-like-I-need-it food!

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