Monday, May 23, 2011

No Sweets? No Sweat! 30 Day Challenge - Day 2

With a lot of people like me who are trying to lose weight, one of the biggest obstacles we have to overcome is giving up sweets. For the next thirty days I want you to take this challenge with me.  Eat nothing sweet!  Let's cut out all the indulgences we take for granted, and prove to our bodies, our minds, and everyone else that we don't need sugar to survive!  I'll be posting periodically about my progress.  I want you to leave comments about your progress as well.  Let us inspire one another!  

Day 2
All I can say for today is that this might be harder than I thought.  The feeling of wanting to have something sweet is almost overwhelming at times.  This might be worse than when I quit smoking!


  1. Around Thanksgiving 2010 I started cutting back on my sweets - no cake, pie, ice cream, candy, etc. I pretty much went cold turkey. My intent was to lose a little bit of weight and make better food choices. It wasn't easy and I constantly was repeating to myself "think fruit first." That mantra served me well. Over time I noticed I was drawn to healthier food choices - fruits, vegetables, and nuts. On the rare occasions I would eat something sweet I was struck by how unsatisfied I was after eating. Good luck with the challenge.

  2. It is one of the harder things to do, but I have to caution that some fruits can carry the same amount of, if not more sugar than candies. Apples for instance are packed with fructose. The fructose is just nature's form of sugar, so it's almost the same thing.
