Monday, May 9, 2011

Snack of the Week - Jerky

I'm posting some of my favorite healthy snacks that I eat.  I want to keep these snacks always fresh in your mind, so I'm going to post a new one every week.  Some of them will be foods that you have all the time, but never knew how beneficial they were.  Some of them will be foods you thought were gross, but maybe deserve a second chance.  Some of them may be foods you've never even heard of!  Whatever the case may be, if you're out at your local grocery, remember to pick up a little of one of these foods and chew on them for thought!

About Jerky
Jerky is meat that has been cut into strips, trimmed of fat, marinated in a seasoned sweet rub or liquid, and dried or smoked with low heat (usually under 70 °C/160 °F) or is occasionally just salted and sun-dried. The result is a sweet (occasionally semisweet or savory) snack which can be eaten immediately, or which can be stored for months without refrigeration.

The word "jerky" comes from the Quechua term "charqui", which means to burn (meat).  Jerked meat was one of the first human-made products and was a crucially important food preservation technique for survival.

Ways To Enjoy Jerky
Here lately, I've gotten the itch.  The itch that I'm talking about is for camping and hiking.  I love to go out into the wild and just walk about.  Spending time there is awesome, and one of the only ways to hinder that experience is to not have proper food there with you.  We all know how much of a bummer it can be to have to cut a camping or hiking trip short because you have to go somewhere to cook and prepare your food.  Jerky can be stored almost anywhere that is dry and doesn't need to be refrigerated.  You cook the jerky at home and bring it with you, so there is no need for further cooking.  It will keep for months without spoiling.  It is the perfect trail food.

You can eat jerky almost any way imaginable.  I prefer to pull out tiny slivers at a time and chew on them for a while like chewing gum.  The flavor will last for a really long time.  Although, there is nothing wrong with just munching away at it!  If you don't feel like eating the jerky by itself, you can always shred it up into a salad (with all these snacks going into salads lately, I must have the itch to eat one of those too...) or put it into a soup to add the the great flavor of the broth you're already working with.

Jerky is relatively simple to make, so if this recession and high gas prices have got you down, don't fret about paying big money for that bag from the grocery store.  All you need is some meat (cut into strips), some flavoring, and a method to dehydrate it.  Personally, I like to take some beef for making a pot roast, cut it into slivers, soak it in a marinade of Liquid Smoke, brown sugar, and soy sauce, and then cook it on a NuWave oven.  However, a regular oven or a dehydrator (duh!) work just as well.  Make sure to store it in a dry and airtight container when not being consumed.  Freezing or refrigerating will help in making it last longer until you use it.

How to make Beef Jerky at
Alton Brown Beef Jerky Recipe  ( <<<  Delicious!!! )

Beef Jerky Nutrition

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