Monday, May 16, 2011

Snack of the Week - Yogurt

I'm posting some of my favorite healthy snacks that I eat.  I want to keep these snacks always fresh in your mind, so I'm going to post a new one every week.  Some of them will be foods that you have all the time, but never knew how beneficial they were.  Some of them will be foods you thought were gross, but maybe deserve a second chance.  Some of them may be foods you've never even heard of!  Whatever the case may be, if you're out at your local grocery, remember to pick up a little of one of these foods and chew on them for thought!

About Yogurt
Yoghurt, yogurt or yogourt (Turkish: yoğurt) is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. The bacteria used to make yoghurt are known as "yoghurt cultures". Fermentation of lactose by these bacteria produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yoghurt its texture and its characteristic tang.

Believe me that you really don't want to know much more than that if you have a weak stomach.  This food is delicious and nutritious.  Don't let the process of how it's made ruin your appetite for it!

Ways to Enjoy Yogurt
This is by-far one of my most favorite snacks.  It's cold, it's sweet, and it's tart all at the same time.  Yogurt comes in so many forms too.  You can get it in it's regular glory, low-fat, low-sugar, sugar free, Greek style, plain, with fruit, with candy, flavored, and frozen!  I personally like to just open up a container of low-fat vanilla flavored yogurt and dig in.

Yogurt is one of those foods that has to be kept in moderation though.  Most of them are high in carbohydrates, so they can easily be turned into fat.  However, they shouldn't be eliminated from your diet completely as the probiotics in them are great for your digestive tract!

Yogurt Nutrition
This time, I had to be specific about which yogurt I wanted nutrition data for.  I chose Low Fat Vanilla, as it is one of the most common kinds.


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